Group Home Lessons From a Time Traveling Billionaire

Group Home Lessons From a Time Traveling Billionaire

Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss is one of my favorite business books. It’s a collection of short interviews with mega successful people from multiple industries.
I was re-reading the other day and a quote by one of PayPal’s founders, Peter Thiel, struck me because it’s a common issue many of our Group Home Entrepreneurs have.
Q: What do you wish you had known about business 20 years ago?
A: “I wish I would have known that there was no need to wait…not until I started PayPal did I fully realize that you don’t have to wait to start something. So if you’re planning to do something with your life, if you have a 10-year plan of how to get there, you should ask:

Why can’t you do it in 6 months?

After a ONE ON ONE COACHING CALL last week, this point really dawned on one of our Group Home Entrepreneurs.
His goal was to open 6 Group Homes over the next 5 years. We calculated that would bring in around 12 – 18K PER MONTH! AFTER EXPENSES!!!
Not a bad long term goal right??
Well after explaining the main points in our FREE 10-PART COURSE, guess what?

It dawned on him that he would be able to do that in his FIRST YEAR!!!

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Just like our founder did, and just like many Group Home Entrepreneurs have done all over the country! Check out some of their stories on THE GROUP HOME RICHES PODCAST!
Here are some common misconceptions that make people think this is IMPOSSIBLE when it’s really quite simple:
– You don’t need a license
– You don’t need a big medical staff
– You don’t need to live at the home and care for people 24/7 (Andy spends about an hour per month on this business)
– You don’t need a home to get started and YOU DON’T NEED A BIG BUDGET. In fact….
– You can get started with NO FUNDS out of your pocket!
One thing every single person in that book, on our podcast, and anyone who has done anything significant with their lives has in common….


They took that first step.

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Don’t take it from me. Take it from them. Take it from the BILLIONAIRE’S:


Let’s do a quick time traveling mental exercise I learned from that book…
Travel in time 1 year from now. You have 5 group homes running. You’re helping out your community and debating whether you should quit your full time job and retire, or do you want to bring on an operational manager to replace yourself and focus on growing your business? It’s a tough decision right? But these are GREAT problems to have!
You take a moment to reflect back in time like Peter Thiel does….
What would that future Group Home Entrepreneur tell his/herself TODAY??
Is it to finally sign up for our FREE 10-PART COURSE?
Is it to get your WEBSITE DEVELOPED so you look like a modern, legitimate business you’re comfortable marketing?
Is it to get over your fear of the phone and start calling local caseworkers in your area for referrals?
If you don’t have anyone to call, is to finally start hitting google to do some research??
Is it to write to us what question, topic or concern you have that is holding you back from getting started??
Is it to tell us to KICK ROCKS because you don’t want to start a Group Home???
Whatever it is…
Don’t Wait. Your future self will thank you 🙂

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