What Happens If a Tenant Breaks Your Group Home Rules?

Picture this scenario…

You get THE FREE 10-PART COURSE, read through the course, and ask questions until you understand the key concepts.

You start building your contact list, using our marketing material, get the same website we use, and your phone melts!
The need for affordable housing is basically at a crisis level and few landlords are willing to accommodate. You have more tenants than you can handle!
The tenants, their loved ones, and their caseworkers have all assured you that they have ample amount of assistance and will pay you directly on time every month via cash or payment online.

You’re PUMPED!! 💪

The 1st of the month rolls around, 3 tenants can’t pay and the others are fighting in the kitchen like the picture above!!



Part of the service you are providing to your tenants and community is running a clean and structured environment.

It is up to you to provide that structure and one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch! Hopefully, you follow the steps in order to get a guaranteed payment and you have a House Supervisor. So this nightmare, brawling, non-paying issue should never happen!
More common though, is the rare bad apple that doesn’t follow the house rules. That breaks the curfew, has guests, does not clean up after themselves, or even breaks the no alcohol/no drug rules.
What then? Do you have to evict every tenant like this? With 8 plus tenants per home, this could add up, right? With 15 – 20 homes is there a good chance that you spend most of your time in court???

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You might, if you overlook one of the KEY parts of the Important Document section:


Along with getting guaranteed payments, finding the organizations in your area that provide services and home supervision, this is one of those key concepts we make sure our One on One Coaching clients understand on the very first call.
We’re taking in many tenants that would not qualify for a traditional property. Depending on how wide you want to cast your marketing net, there’s a good chance they are recovering from drug addiction or even transitioning out of prison. Most of our tenants do not have a full-time job, good rental history, good credit, or a squeaky clean background.
Does this mean they deserve to live on the street??
But they also don’t deserve a full legal lease to our property and all of the rights that those entail.

Think of this for a sec…what happens at a hotel if a guest’s card is declined, they throw a big party, and damage the lobby? Is hotel management going to go through a 60 – 90 day court process in order to remove the rowdy guest?? How bout at an airbnb??




No questions asked. No negotiations. And no courts!

Because when you stay at those establishments you agree to their policies and what happens if you don’t adhere to those policies.
Think of the License Agreement as your “check-in” card and free ticket out of eviction court!
This is one of those 10-PART COURSE keys we need you to understand!!

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