Why Most NYE Resolutions are ALREADY in the Graveyard

It’s the 2nd month of 2021.

If you’re like most people, you had a Grandiose plan of New Year’s Resolutions in January, and then like 80% of those people, they’ve failed already.

Don’t let this get you down though!
If your goal was related to the Group Home business, then hopefully our material has provided some of those key details for you and you are still going.
But do not fall victim to the #1 killer of Resolutions:
I was listening to a great business podcast the other day and they explained this perfectly.
Most people focus on the Goal, and not the steps to GET to that goal.
For example, “I want to start a Group Home”

You are not going to just “start a group home”. It’s not a 1-day process. There is not a magical application to fill out. You don’t just decide to “start a group home” and homes and clients are given to you. It’s a process and you need a plan.

Here is an example:
1) GET THE FREE 10-PART COURSE if you haven’t already. This is an online digital library filled with how-to guides, videos, and sample material for every step of the way.
2) Answer your basic questions so you’re confident. This is the one that baffles me the most….WE ARE RIGHT HERE! Do you know how and why you can start with no license? Is outsourcing familiar to you? Do you know how to even get paid? How to get referrals?? Then email us ASAP or watch this free (not for long) webinar.
3) Market your services FIRST. Do not spend 1 dime on furniture, supplies, or housing before doing the following.
4) Get a WEBSITE. Check out our option there, or you can spend a couple of weeks designing your own to save a couple of bucks. That’s the one we use.
5) Build your contact list. You need to get referrals and you need people to refer you. This is the #1, time-consuming, and ongoing process. You need caseworkers, social workers, social service programs, hospitals, clinics, nursing facilities, home health agencies ETC ETC. If you’re in a populated area there are hundreds of people that could send you referrals. You need to find them and our 10-PART COURSE will tell you how.

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6) Start marketing! 1-5 is the beneath the surface level stuff you need to do that nobody will see. It’s not flashy but you will not find many successful Group Home owners that did NOT do steps 1-5. Now you should feel confident about starting to network in your community. You do not have to be an expert. You do not have to have a home yet. It’s as simple as making calls like this.
7) Repeat that step as much as you can until your confident enough to do the next step. That woman we spoke with during step #6 was working with an organization needing to find housing for THREE HUNDRED PEOPLE that month! She has been following up with US. How many connections like that would you need to make in order to feel comfortable taking on a new house payment?
8) Get a house! You don’t need to be a cash buyer. You don’t need to even purchase one. A lot of our members get started by leasing and if you’re on too tight of a budget to do that then you can partner with a landlord.

THE 10-PART COURSE will tell you exactly what to say, but if you have not completed steps 1-7 the script we give you will be useless.

9) Put a system in place to scale if that’s your goal (like ours). If so, you can’t be the 1 person managing the house and providing all of the services. The simple tools we use are outsourcing all services, getting guaranteed payments, using a tenant agreement that puts us in control of the property (included in THE 10-PART COURSE), and having a house supervisor. You can also use cameras, lockers, security systems, and more. Your role in the beginning will be the “Operational Manager”. Each one of our Operational Managers can run 15 – 20 homes!
Now keep in mind, these Group Homes will be returning about 10x the Net Profit of a typical Rental Property, so around 2-3K depending on your area, amount of beds, etc. How many would you need to hit your financial goal???
10) Answer that question and repeat steps 1-9 until you hit it and never have to clock in at a job again!
If that sounds like a plan for you, SIGN UP FOR THE FREE 10-PART COURSE TODAY. If you have any questions holding you back, CLICK HERE to book a free consultation.
Do not let your dreams go to the graveyard this year!

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