This “Cold Front” in Texas will go Negative 15* -Learn How to Help Those That Need Housing And Get Paid with a Group Home

The Above Room Will Keep 4 People Warm Tomorrow and Will Cover The Group Home owner’s Monthly Overhead….For Life

You’ve probably never heard or read about the local Multi-Millionaire in your town. But you likely want to be like him.

He worked a normal job, raised three children with his wife, and worked a for 30 years as a local school teacher before he started a Group Home…

And retired with a multimillion-dollar fortune as a Group Home owner.
Isn’t that what we all want? To put our family, friends and local charities in a position of financial security?
Yet, as you read above, this gentleman wasn’t a doctor, dentist, lawyer or celebrity. He wasn’t a big time entrepreneur or a hard-charging businessman. None of his jobs had a fancy title like “investment banker” or “Private Equity Mogul” like you would expect one to have in order to amass a big fortune.
No. Jim Reed spent his career as a school teacher with a small, part time side business helping people out in his local community.

So how did he do it? How did he help people out in his community??


More importantly, he did two things just like we teach in the world-famous 10 PART COURSE

First, he lived beneath his means.
Second, he continued investing in more beds and more group homes so he could ACQUIRE THE REAL ESTATE

Little by little he acquired small 2, 3 and 4 bedroom homes. Although our 10 PART COURSE was not around when he started his group home business, he used the same techniques that we teach in our course….simple strategies like enclosing the garage and turning it into another room.

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For a small price of about $1,500 you can have all your money back in less than 30 days…

And each time he did that, the additional beds would pay him rental income each and every month. Month after Month….for life.
And he continued taking that income and buying more homes and converting them into group homes.

Over time, his wealth grew. And it enabled him to live the life of his dreams.

But even though cash was pouring in, the more people he helped, the more money he made. And the less he worked. So he stayed at his job at the local school.

Additionally, he worked on other hobbies. He played softball. Him and his wife went out to lunch 3x per week.

He paid for all of his children’s college education.

And he volunteered at local nonprofits. Many of whom consistently sent him clients that needed a place to live.
This “income generating” business approach gave him the freedom he wanted to live life on his own terms….
And by the time he passed on, he had amassed a $10,000,000 fortune. Not by speculating. But by providing a valuable service for those in his community that needed it.
Just like we teach OUR 10 PART COURSE.
If you are interested in learning more about how YOU can help out those in your community and earn a great fortune doing so, sign up for our FREE 10 PART COURSE today!

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