Corona Crisis – Green and Growing or Ripe and Rotting. Why Your Life Is A Mess
Ricky Williams talk the other day….He had a great quote by Ray Kroc:
You are either Green and Growing or Ripe and Rotting. Got it?
Many of you out there are rotting at the moment.
In fact, the truth is that if you are not growing – You ARE rotting.
Right now is a super important time to go back to the email I sent 2-3 weeks ago and review it. At the time, I spoke about the importance of a few things:
1. Controlling WHAT you can control – i.e. your schedule, your habits, your rituals and your thoughts
2. Many of us (me included) need to be constantly reminding ourselves of the importance of re-focusing our thoughts. What are we grateful for? What can we do to improve ourselves during this time? How can we create more time? How can we compress time? Some maybe asking, what can I do WITH this time!
3. Focus on growth. Focus on SELF-EDUCATING.
Right now, many people are waking up to the fact that one income stream ain’t gonna cut it.
Whether you work in the restaurant business, construction or a wide variety of other industries – chances are you are getting hammered. Sad but true.
The great thing with group homes is that you are not relying on 1 client or even 2 or 3 people.
Chances are, if you have a group home, you have 5 – 10 people living in your home paying $600 – $2,000 each
If you follow the step-by-step process outlined in our FREE 10-PART COURSE, you will know that my system is based on government-backed rents through SSI, SSDI, VA and other governmental programs.
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Yes, Government-Backed Rents.
Is my upside limited with this approach? Yes. But so is my downside. Unless some type of meteor hits the United States Of America, I am 99.99% confident that those rents are going to keep coming in.
4. Other Tips:
Wife, Husband & Kids:
Divorce rates are sky-rocketing as are child abuse cases. Take some time to put a schedule together with your significant other so you each have your own personal time cut out and can move fwd together. This is easier said than done, but it MUST be done. For some people, it is very apparent that their schedules are out of whack. Some of the wives don’t buy in to the husband’s vision and visaversa. Some of the husbands are at home with the kids, the home is a mess while the wife is at work – even though she doesn’t need to be (and visaversa). This is a recipe for disaster. Put your children to bed early and write out a warplan and daily schedule. Then stick to it.
Evictions and Loan Forbearance:
Let your tenants know that they have a social responsibility to make their payments. This is how we keep the economy going. Similarly, know that it is your job as a property owner to make YOUR payments to the bank. If you don’t, you will be thrown into the trash bucket and it will stick with you for years to come. Right now is a time to make your payments so that you have strong lending relationships when the SHTF and the market is super-soft. That is how you make millions, tens-of-millions and hundreds of millions if not billions. Do the right thing.
QIP – Qualified Improvement Property:
I don’t want to get too technical here – we go over this in our FREE 10-PART COURSE – but right now, laws are changing and that is when you get RICH. The new 2 Trillion stimulus essentially allows for you to write off basically everything in year 1. Roofs, electrical work, HVAC. These are depreciable items that you can now WRITE OFF LEGALLY, which will allow you to eliminate almost all of your tax obligations. I know this sounds unfair to a lot of you – but this is why I encourage you to get started on your GROUP HOME RICHES journey!
As an example:
Imagine having 3 Group Home properties and your net take home income is $100,000 off of them. Simultaneously, you use the income as down payments to buy 3 more properties and you fix them up by installing new HVAC systems and roofs and some other things (that you finance). If you spend $100,000 fixing these units up, you completely eliminate your tax bill. This is the method used by Andy Rothschild.
I will keep sending out little nuggets as the days go by. The key takeaway here is that you must:
1. Control your thoughts
2. Focus on growth and self-education.
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