How Can You Start a Group Home Business With No Money?

Group Home

How Can You Start a Group Home Business With No Money?


Keep reading to find out the secret that EVERY successful entrepreneur knows…

A few days ago we sent out a survey with a few general questions to help us improve OUR FREE 10 PART COURSE (CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO)

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When asked what is holding you back from getting started, the overwhelming response was that you felt you couldn’t afford the start up costs…which are typically around $1500 – $2500. This is the conundrum that many “Wantrepreneurs” face right? You want to…YOU NEED TO…bring in more revenue but you gotta spend money to make money right? AND YOU DON’T HAVE IT!! That’s why you’re here in the first place! It’s a vicious mental cycle that every new business owner has gone through though! BUT IT’S WRONG! You don’t NEED money to start a business!
So how do you start a Group Home with little to no money?
Not easy, but simple.


Every “celebrity” entrepreneur did the same thing….Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Elon Musk…they all started from ZERO.
If you have the passion, work ethic, and know how (this is what WE provide for you) then all you need is the house right? Who might have a vacant house you can use as a Group Home and what would be in it FOR THEM??
All you need is a Real Estate Investor AKA a “landlord” and what are 3 things that every single landlord has in common?
1) They want to be paid on time
2) They would like to make more money
3) They don’t want to be called with problems…i.e. clogged toilets

This business and YOU are the perfect opportunity for them!

You need to become an asset though. Every partnership needs to be a win-win and NOBODY is going to provide you capital and/or a home AND do the leg work on top of that! Put yourself in their shoes, what are some of the questions you would want to know before lending money or a home to someone?
Do you know how much you can potentially make in your area? Have a marketing plan? Do you have paperwork for your tenants to sign to avoid the eviction process? How about marketing material? Why don’t you need a license to start? Do you have a business plan showing potential future investors the MASSIVE opportunity this business offers??? How are you going to pitch this to a potential partner?
You can research ALL of this for free or figure it out as you go along just like our founder did. We also provide a free Blog, Youtube channel, Facebook, Instagram, Podcast, and these emails to help out. But these are also examples of just some of the stuff that’s included in OUR FREE 10 PART COURSE! 

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